Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Query to another server


I'm trying to do a query from ine server to another, something like this:

"SELECT * FROM FILESERVER.SharePointConnectingDB.dbo.vDepartmentsNames"

where FILESERVER is the other SQL server name, SharePointConnectingDB is the the DB in the other server, etc.

as a return i get the following error (in spanish becuse the server is in spanish): in

El proveedor OLE DB "SQLNCLI" para el servidor vinculado "FILESERVER" devolvió el mensaje "Especificación de autorización no válida".

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

El proveedor OLE DB "SQLNCLI" para el servidor vinculado "FILESERVER" informó de un error. Error de autenticación.

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

No se puede inicializar el objeto de origen de datos del proveedor OLE DB "SQLNCLI" para el servidor vinculado "FILESERVER".

in english (not exact translation) it's:

supplier OLE DB "SQLNCLI" for tie servant "FILESERVER" devolvió
the message "Especificación of autorización not v lida".

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Supplier OLE DB "SQLNCLI" for tie servant "FILESERVER" informó
of an error. Error of autenticación.

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The object of origin of data of supplier OLE DB "SQLNCLI" for
tie servant "FILESERVER" cannot be initialized.

now, I did a ping test from serevr to server and it works, in addition, when trying from my own develope SQL server (on my pc) it works as well. both servers (my own and the the one i'm trying to run the query on) has the same definition, as far as I can tell.

any suggestion as for what to do next to fix this?



You must configure LinkedServer using sp_addlinkedserver,sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

If u need only adhoc connectivity to the remote server then u can use OPENDATASOURCE query



thanks to all, but as I wrote, I got it to work from one server just have a problem with another server.

it's not a timeout problem (the timeout is just a result of some other problem) and not a problem of not defining the "Linked Servers".

any other idea?



Is it possible that the owner of the objects in the other database is different and you do not have the rights for it?


what do you mean by 'owner of the objects'?

in both DBs it's dbo. the problematic server is win2003 which has administartor privileges to all my network.



If you could post the achitecture of your server ; like how many instance ; is it a named instance in sql server 2005 etc , it would be helpful.

What is the authentication mode?

r u able to connect from QA?

it this error getting from Frontend ?

Is SQL Server Browser Service Running for SQL Server 2005 ?

Please expalin................



there is only 1 instance, it's name is "DEVELOP_SRV"

Authentication is both Windows and SQL

QA as of MSSQL 2000?

what is frontend?

yes, the SQL Server Browser Service is running .

if you have any other questions - I'd love to answer...

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