Friday, March 9, 2012

query to detemine trigger status

I know how to retrieve the list of triggers in teh database.
Select * from sysobjects where xtype = 'TR'
What I want to know is how do i tell whether the trigger is disabled or
enabled. I would appreciate if anybody can help me this.
MB...and status&2048=2048
will tell you if it's disabled
Mohan wrote:

>I know how to retrieve the list of triggers in teh database.
>Select * from sysobjects where xtype = 'TR'
>What I want to know is how do i tell whether the trigger is disabled or
>enabled. I would appreciate if anybody can help me this.
>|||Lookup the argument ExecIsTriggerDisabled for the meta-data function
OBJECTPROPERTY in SQL Server Books Online.

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