Monday, March 26, 2012

Query which system table to answer this

I have a DB with 1 default defined: UW_Zerodefault
It simply puts a 0 into particular fields upon new record creation.
Is there a query I can run against a particular system table to give me a list of fields this default is applied against in the DB?
ThanksSqlSpec will give you this information, but I can't remember now what table it's hitting to get it. it may be as simple as querying sysdepends.

I'll take a look at the code tonight and post again.|||If I understand your query correctly (It's late and I'm tired!!) you can run exec sp_mshelpcolumns 'enter table name' and the col_dridefname column is the contraint name and the first text column is the default value.|||this give you all default usage by columns:

select as colname
, as tablename
, as defaultname
syscolumns s
inner join
sysobjects o1 on
inner join
sysobjects o2 on

and this will give you default usage by udts:

exec sp_mshelptype @.typename=null, @.flags='uddt'

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